Starting May 16, we are very excited to announce that we will begin to observe standard office hours.

However, some things at our office will change to comply with re-opening policies and accommodate to new social distancing safety practices.


What we ask of our patients and customers:

• Anyone entering the building will be asked to wear their own mask (or face-covering)

• To further assure this, we ask that only the patient needing service enter the office, with the exception of caregivers for minors or elderly patients.

• If you have eyewear or contacts to pick up please call the office to schedule a time to do so.

• We ask that anyone who has traveled outside the area or who has experienced cough, fever, or other COVID=related symptoms in the last 14 days to reschedule.


What you can expect from us:

• There will be fewer appointments and more time in between appointments to limit the number of people in the office (one appointment every 30 minutes)

• We will continue to keep all surfaces sanitized and clean.



eye candy cleaning measures covid-19


During the time we’ve been closed, we have been taking precautionary measures in sanitizing the office (using ElectroMist) in preparation for re-opening, and plan to continually keep all surfaces sanitized and clean.



We have missed you all and thank you for your continued understanding and support during this time!